Attending: Board Members Julie Asher, Bob Becker, Paul Byers, Amy Fickling, Sue Kopen Katcef, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz, Steve Taylor, Robert Webb and Chapter Members Fia Curley, Steve Geimann, Garth Hogan
Absent: Ann Augherton (excused), Dan Kubiske (excused), Willie Schatz
Vice President Asher called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. President Schotz assumed the chair at 7:50 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MAY MINUTES: unanimous as distributed
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Julie Asher reported:
She had explored the options of free events at Carter Barron Amphitheater that might be linked to a summer meeting. It was agreed that the August 16th concert by the combined Armed Forces Jazz Bands was the best option. A picnic and brief board meeting will be planned in advance of the concert.
She is checking on the possibility of attending a Bowie Bay Sox game in July as a joint program with the Maryland Professional Chapter.
Through the courtesy of Bill McCloskey a chapter fund raising event will be held on September 6 at a Nationals game with the Florida Marlins.
President Schotz then invited Steve Geimann, President of the SDX Foundation, to report on the status of SPJ Executive Director Terry Harper who has been battling brain cancer. The national board was advised late last week that his condition had deteriorated and that he was resigning. In a conference call shortly before this meeting, the executive committee was told that further medical treatment has been suspended and that he has gone home from the hospital. A Terry Harper Family Fund has been established. Plans are also underway to create a memorial tribute in his honor. Joe Skeel and Chris Vachon will act as interim co-executive directors while a committee is formed to conduct a search. It was agreed that an appropriate recognition for Terry should be made at the Hall of Fame Dinner on June 9.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Amy Fickling reported:
As of 5/30 there was $23,397 in the Chevy Chase Bank operating funds account (including approximately $5,148 in Region 2 funds) and $36,367 in the ING savings account.
Reserve funds in Capital One CD totaled $18,166 as of 5/14
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Andy Schotz reported:
· A total of 20 ballots were submitted in the board election. The proposed slate was elected and will be sworn in at the June 9th dinner.
· There were continuing difficulties in the judging of the Dateline Awards by the Connecticut chapter.
· The Ohio chapter had asked for assistance in judging their competition and he will investigate having them judge the Dateline Awards competition next year.
REGIONAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT: In Ann Augherton’s absence there was no report.
HALL OF FAME DINNER: Bill McCloskey reported:
153 reservations have been made to date. There may be more in the mailbox. He anticipates that the final headcount will be around 200.
The program is being finalized and should be to the printers by Wednesday or Thursday.
123 award certificates are ready and the covers have been ordered.
Jim Bohannon’s script is being polished and will be emailed to him on the 8th.
Bob Schieffer’s band, Honky Tonk Confidential, will perform for approximately 20 minutes at the end of the dinner. The NPC audio/visual fee is $1,500.
Julie Asher and Sue Kopen Katcef volunteered to handle the check-in desk. Additional volunteers will be needed at 5:30 p.m. to put certificates in folders and distribute programs.
After discussion it was agreed to give Brooke Kenny a $100 bonus for her work as awards coordinator this year and offer her a stipend of $2,700 next year. A simple contract will be drafted by Bob Becker. A 1099 form will also be executed.
DATELINE: Andy Schotz set a June 19th copy deadline for the next issue. Some stories were assigned.
The chapter will have eight delegates to the August convention. Since more people have expressed interest in going, priority might be given to sitting board members with others being designated as alternates. By unanimous vote it was agreed that the chapter will reimburse the President’s airfare, early-bird reservation fee, hotel room charges and tickets to event meals. The early-bird registration and tickets to event meals will be reimbursed for delegates. If an employer reimburses such convention expenses, those costs should be recovered that way. It was mentioned that Vivian Schiller, President of NPR, will be the convention keynoter.
It was noted that SPJ has decided to extend dues renewal deadlines by six months for members who have lost their journalistic jobs and who request such an extension. It was unanimously agreed that chapter dues will follow the same policy, with headquarters handling the applications and making the decisions.
An audit of the chapter’s financial books should be conducted in mid-July once the dinner finances are settled. It was suggested that Steve Geimann, Chuck Lewis and John Wordock might be available to serve on such a committee. Amy Fickling will contact them to determine their availability.
President Schotz will develop a list of committee assignments, with the intent of getting volunteers signed up at the August meeting.
Bob Webb reported that the widow of a Sri Lankan newspaper editor killed last year is now living in Vermont. If she visits DC she might make a compelling guest speaker.
The board commended Sue Kopen Katcef for her work with University of Maryland students on a documentary which recently won a Kennedy award.
There being no additional business, the President adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul H. Byers
Recording Secretary