Is Censorship Ever Necessary or Justified?

May 15, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 12:15 pm

From the Georgetown University Free Speech Project

The debate over censorship in the West is a complex tug-of-war. While freedom of expression is respected as a fundamental right, the question of whether and where to draw the line comes up time and again, and remains contentious. Advocates argue that censorship may be the only way to protect vulnerable minorities, new ones and old ones alike, from potential harm and violence. Nevertheless, critics caution against the slippery slope of censorship, warning of its potential to stifle dissent, suppress marginalized voices, and inhibit the free exchange of ideas essential for democracy.

In the pursuit of a more just and equitable society, how should the West grapple with the uneasy balance between liberty and suppression? Are there words and threats that are truly horrific enough to merit exclusion from the public dialogue?

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