Probing account of how police dealt with a mentally ill man takes top honor in annual Dateline Awards contest

June 15, 2021 For Immediate Release Contact: Randy Showstack ( WASHINGTON — The Washington, D.C., Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists has announced recipients of its 2021 Dateline Awards…

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Dateline Awards 2021 finalists and winners

    Awards were presented for excellence in TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, newsletter/trade publication, and online journalism, encompassing breaking news, business writing, commentary, photography, and more. All work was published or…

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Can you help judge a journalism contest that our Dateline Awards contest swaps with?

Dear Fellow Journalist, Your expertise is needed again this year as our DC Pro Chapter will judge the Keystone Pro Chapter’s contest (encompassing Pennsylvania and New Jersey chapters). Keystone will in turn judge our…

Continue Reading... Can you help judge a journalism contest that our Dateline Awards contest swaps with?