Join us for a special workshop BEFORE the 2016 VPA/AP/SPJ Region 2 conference in Richmond, Va.
Video is hot these days. It’s never been easier to shoot, edit and then post it on YouTube, Facebook or a website.
- But what’s the difference between good and bad video?
- How can you use inexpensive cameras–and even your phone–to capture the best video?
- Or the best interview?
- Then how about editing?
This session gets you thinking and acting like a video photojournalist so your video not only gets clicks, but hopefully compliments.
WHEN: April 8, 1-4 p.m. on the Virginia Commonwealth University Monroe Park campus
- $30 if you are also attending the VPA/SPJ Region 2 Conference (For full conference schedule and to register go here: )
- $50 for VPA or SPJ Region 2 members not attending annual conference
- $100 for non-members
Info and registration form for the special workshop is here: