D.C. transparency examined during Sunshine Week

  The state of government transparency in D.C. will be examined in a Sunshine Week program sponsored by the D.C. Pro Chapter of SPJ and the D.C. Open Government Coalition March 17 at the National Press Club.

  The fourth annual “D.C. Open Government Summit” from 6 to 8:30pm in the First Amendment Lounge will begin with remarks on open government priorities for the Bowser Administration. The program will include a look at how open government data is helping D.C. organizations create tools and websites to enhance information sharing with the public.

The event is open and free to all, but pre-registration is requested. Click here to register. A reception will follow the program.

  Co-sponsors include the Open Government Coalition, which works to enhance the public’s access to government information and ensure transparency in the D.C. government, the National Press Club Freedom of the Press Committee, and the American University School of Communications’ Journalism Division.

  Sunshine Week is a national initiative to promote a dialogue on the importance of open government and freedom of information. This non-partisan, non-profit initiative is celebrated in mid-March each year to coincide with James Madison’s birthday March 16. To learn more, visit www.sunshineweek.org.