Journalism groups tour monument to journalism before it leaves Pennsylvania Ave.
Join like-minded peers – fellow journalists, in other words – for a tour of the iconic Pennsylvania Avenue landmark Newseum, which will be moving out by the end of the year and yielding the real estate to Johns Hopkins University. See it one last time!
Check out the Eventbrite reservation and information here. You need to reserve to get the group rate, and do so before one week before the event.
Organizers are the Society of Professional Journalists DC Pro and Maryland Pro chapters; the Maryland, Delaware, D.C. Press Association; the Baltimore Association of Black Journalists; and Reporters Without Borders. Membership in one of these groups for attendees is preferred, but not required.
Go here for a little more information about how the groups decided to combine efforts, and make this outing its first scheduled event.
For more information and to reserve a $21 ticket, go to this Eventbrite page.
And you can join us afterward at Elephant & Castle on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Questions? Contact Jonathan Make at press@warren-news.com.