UPDATE ON July 24, 2019: SOLD OUT!!!
Join journalists, whistleblowers and advocates for both groups for an informal get-together during the annual Whistleblower Summit & Film Festival. Sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists DC Pro Chapter, with national SPJ, all SPJ as well as all summit attendees are invited.
There is no cost to attend, and drinks (including non-alcoholic) and food are buy-your-own. More information on the whistleblower summit is here.
The SPJ journalist and whistleblower group will gather at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, July 31, 2019, at the top floor of the National Press Club and Press Club building. After introducing ourselves, we will get a special tour of the National Press Club by Club and SPJ member Kathryn Foxhall. You can learn more about her PIO research here. Koxhall tweets here.
After the tour, we’ll return to the McClendon Room, where the tour begins, and discuss whistleblowers and public information officers. Foxhall, a science journalist and SPJ DC board member, has a particular expertise in issues including government agencies’ forcing reporters and other journalists to clear conversations with authorities, such as public information officers, called “Censorship by PIO” as a catchphrase for the transparency push Foxhall leads from the forefront.

Here are a few other people we will introduce and who will speak for a few minutes:
- Alex Tarquinio, president of the national SPJ organization, press freedom advocate, and reporter
- Danielle McLean, reporter, chair of the national SPJ Freedom of Information Committee and organizer of the 2018 project that brought together in one online space resources on whistleblowers and journalists, in cooperation with the Government Accountability Project
- Marcel Reid, whistleblower, whistleblower advocate, and a key organizer of the Whistleblower Summit
- Dana Gold, senior counsel and director of education for the Government Accountability Project, who has represented dozens of whistleblowers and teaches journalists and whistleblowers to work together, safely and effectively
You must register in advance, because we need to provide your name to the Club so you will be admitted. You can register to Jonathan Make, press@warren-news.com, 202-872-9200 and www.twitter.com/makejdm.
Register on Eventbrite here.
The Press Club is at 529 14th St. NW, accessible via the elevators from the 13th floor. The club is closest to Metrorail’s Metro Center station.