Call for volunteers and judges
Your SPJ-DC chapter could use help in a number of areas:
- Judging contest entries
- Helping out with the 2016 Jobs Fair
- General support to help run programs
We’re looking for judges for a professional SPJ chapter journalism contest.
This year our SPJ-DC chapter is swapping entries with the Fort Worth chapter. So we’ll be judging the work of our fellow journalists outside of DC.
Interested? Please let our contest coordinator, Joyce Wang, know of your interest and availability as soon as you can! Contact Joyce at yuting.wang07@gmail.com.
2016 Jobs Fair
We could use volunteer help for the Saturday, March 19, Job Fair sponsored by your SPJ-DC chapter and five other journalism organizations.
The Fair is being held at Georgetown University’s School for Continuing Education in Chinatown. Volunteer shifts are 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. to 2p.m.
Duties include helping set up, greeting job seekers and recruiters, and helping put tables/chairs away at the end. Job Fair itself is 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
If you can help even for a short while, please contact SPJ-DC chapter President Julie Asher at spjdcchapter@gmail.com.
General Help
Your SPJ-DC chapter needs energetic, enthusiastic volunteers to serve on our committees. If you have even an hour or two a month to spare, we would greatly appreciate your help.
See if any of the following items interest you. (Or maybe you have an idea we might have missed.)
- Website
- Newsletter
- Social Media
- Membership
- Programs
- Publicity and Outreach
- Liaison with Student Chapters
- Social Events
- Judging for SPJ media competitions
- Annual Dateline Dinner.
Most of these jobs require a short amount of time via the email or the phone during the year.
For more information on any of our activities, please contact chapter president, Julie Asher, at spjdcchapter@gmail.com