Society of Professional Journalists
Washington DC Chapter
Mon., December 3, 2012
Board Meeting at National Press Club
Mezzanine Area, 7:30 PM
ATTENDANCE: Julie Asher, Paul Byers, Sue Kopen Katcef, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz and Joel Whitaker, Dateline Contest Organizer.
ABSENT: Bob Becker, Haley Crum, Amy Fickling, Khalil Garriott, Jenn Rowell, and Steve Taylor.
Byers moved to approve November 12 minutes as amended. McCloskey seconded. The vote to approve was unanimous.
McCloskey moved to accept the report. Kopen Katcef seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Asher reported on the November 18 Board Retreat. The focus was on improving programming and communication as well as developing a better way to keep the chapter’s roster up to date. It was agreed to form committees in these areas and recruit chapter members to work on the issues. Topics were approved for a minimum of six programs for each year.
- Asher reported that she subsequently spoke with VP Jenn Rowell about the program for the homeless in January—no new details are known. Rowell advised that she finds that she will be leaving the DC area in the near future and has to resign from the board.
- Asher also mentioned that she had spoken with Alyssia(sp) Green about getting involved with the chapter. She’s interested in working on the newsletter and web site. Asher will also contact Rachel from the freelance group about helping out.
- Asher received a letter from Amy Kovac-Ashley who is the assistant Dean of Georgetown University’s Masters in Journalism Program. She is also the SPJ Chapter Adviser and would like to meet with some board representatives. Asher will coordinate such a meeting with Kopen Katcef and Byers and invite both Kovac-Ashley and her students to be our guests at the holiday party. Byers also agreed to make contact with those working on the SDX Foundation Scholarship program to come up with some other chapter contact names.
- Asher has signed the chapter up to again participate in the High School Essay Contest. Schotz will provide contact information that he has used successfully in the past. An entry fee of $5 will be charged this year.
- On the subject of High School Journalism, Byers mentioned a story in that morning’s Washington Post about students at Bethesda Chevy Chase High raising money to revive the print edition of the school paper, “The Tattler,” which has gone into hiatus for lack of funding. Byers proposed a donation from the chapter of up to $350 to support the paper. The motion was approved pending the verification of the facts in the article by Schotz.
- Haley Crum has suggested holding off on a program for high school newspaper advisers and editors until next fall.
- Alyssia Green has proposed considering a program at which the Sunlight Foundation can make a presentation on tools which can be used in data mining and CAR. It was suggested that this could be the basis for a good panel program.
- Asher advised that plans for the Holiday Party on December 6 are set. More than 30 people indicated that they are coming. She will work up a flyer to be circulated at the party soliciting member interest in working on programs, communication, and membership.
- Dinner update: Schotz said he has requested a proposal contract from the Press Club, indicating to his contact that we would like to see the same pricing as last year.
- Dateline Awards contest update: Joel Whitaker is investigating the possibility of using an electronic submission system. He will know more about it in two weeks. He is prepared to mail out a postcard later this month advising people that the contest is coming. Schotz wants to get the details nailed down by January 7 so that entry forms can be circulated. Asher agreed to handle the details in an e-mail vote. Entries will again be exchanged with the Ohio chapter.
- Asher called the board’s attention to a letter from Reginald Stuart, President of the SDX Foundation, asking that the SPJ board approve a slate of nominees to be on the SDX Foundation Board. McCloskey moved to approve the slate and Kopen Katcef seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Asher proposed the following dates for board meetings next spring: 1/8, 2/4,3/4,4/1, 5/8, 6/3.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Byers