2009 Dateline Awards – Divisions & Categories

2009 Dateline Awards – Divisions & Categories   DIVISIONS Daily newspapers/wire services includes dailies published five or more days a week and wire services. Weekly newspapers, published fewer than five…

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2010 Dateline Awards

2009 Dateline Awards Guidelines GENERAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES More than one entry may be submitted in each category, but each separate entry must be accompanied by its own nomination form and…

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SPJ coffee mug and t-shirt wisdom

Many thanks to long-time member Stephen H Goldstein Some cheer, I hope, for these times, from the Society of Professional Journalists, on T-shirts and coffee mugs years ago: You know…

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Transparency in the Obama Administration: A First-Year Assessment

www.wcl.american.edu/lawandgov/cgs/documents/20100120_cgs_toafya_agenda.pdf 8:15 a.m. Registration 9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction -­‐‑-­‐‑ Daniel J. Metcalfe, Executive Director, Collaboration on Government Secrecy, Washington College of Law 9:15 a.m. Keynote Speech -­‐‑-­‐‑ Beth Simone…

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New Voices Request for Proposals – 2010

J-Lab: The institute for Interactive Journalism is taking applications for 501(c)3 organizations and education institutions, including community groups, public broadcasters, independent media, colleges and universities, and individuals working under the…

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