Year: 2010
Having fun on the campaign trail
A friend of mine in Hong Kong just posted a rememberance of Airplane Wheel Roulet from the campaign. Click here for an explanation. Hey, we gotta lighten up some time.
2010 High School Essay Announcement
High School Essay Contest Theme Why are Free and Independent News Media Important Who’s eligible? All students enrolled in grades 9-12 in public, private and home schools. Students must submit original…
2010 Dateline Awards — PDF Files
Below are links to Adobe PDF versions of the rules, categories and entry form for the 2010 SPJ Dateline Awards.
Dateline Awards Entry Form
Dateline Awards Entry Form Deadline: Feb. 27, 2015 Each entry must include a complete nomination form and the $30 entry fee. For print categories, include two copies of each entry….
2010 Special Awards
2010 Special Awards $1,000 ROBERT D.G. LEWIS WATCHDOG AWARD The Robert D.G. Lewis Watchdog Award will be presented to an applicant in any award classification whose entry best exemplifies…