Year: 2010
Job opening: Foreign Policy editors needed
We’re hiring at Foreign Policy for a junior-level editor and a senior-level editor, but we’ve got a bit of flexibility and might be interested in in-between candidates if we find…
Be curious and link the world to the the local
Just saw the best example of how local issues have an international component. Fairfax County (Virginia) sent out a tweet today encouraging everyone in the country to fill in and…
New D.C. open meetings statute proposed
There is exciting news on the open government front. The D.C. government is taking strides toward improving its open meetings law. As we journalists know, openness and transparency are…
Getting that newsroom feeling from afar
One of the big complaints many journalists new to freelancing have is the absence of the give and take that occurs in a newsroom. Hazel Becker has a great posting…
Contact your Councilperson
Ward 4 D.C. City Counncilmember Muriel Bowser will introduce a bill Tuesday to overhall the city’s open meetings law. She needs cosponsors. If you are a D.C. resident email your…