Tristan Prejean of Heritage Academy

"…or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" Freedom is the foundation upon which this great United States of America was founded. Millions of men and women have…

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Stephanie O’Brien of Heritage Academy

The election of 2008 marked the election of the first African-American president. Along with the newness of that came all his new ideas. While some people agree with his thoughts…

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Kathleen Kidd of Heritage Academy

  The great country of America was started because people wanted independence and freedom to live their lives within their own restrictions. Media is a part of that life. Before…

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Brianna Dorsey of Heritage Academy

The First Amendment is something that often can be taken for granted. Without this amendment our free country would be a lot different than it is now. The people of…

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Isabelle Jensen of Woodrow Wilson Senior High School

Freedom of the press is one of the most important things to have in a country. America is one of many countries that have freedom of the press, and we…

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