Pew Report: Old Media/New Media

The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism has a new stuidy out that looks at the relationship between blogs and "old media." New Media, Old Media: How Blogs…

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Council members promote transparency bills

  At a forum organized by the D.C. Open Government Coalition May 20, City Council members Mary Cheh (Ward 3) and Muriel Bowser (Ward 4) promoted their bills to make…

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token test

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Professional social groups growing in importance

Facebook and Twitter are everywhere. No one or no organization can operate any more without a presence in at least one of these two social network sites. (Yes, the DC chapter…

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Transformational moments in new media history

The Poynter Institute columnist Bill Mitchell has a great review of a list compiled by Poynter library director about 200 key events in the past decade that transformed the news…

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