Year: 2010
Md. Attorney General issues FERPA opinion
There was a victory for the public in the battle for records at the University of Maryland this spring. An opinion issued by the Maryland Attorney General in…
Leinwand prepared for disaster on a moment’s notice
Journalists are used to weird working hours and conditions, but few could top USA Today's Donna Leinwand in that regard. As disaster reporter for USA Today, she travels…
Press freedom award goes to Sri Lankan journalist in murdered husband’s honor
For Sri Lankan journalist Sonali Samarasinghe, April 21 was a night to remember when she accepted, on behalf of her late husband, Lasantha Wickramatunga, the 2009 Freedom of the…
FOI ‘Access’ tour made a D.C. stop
On May 24, SPJ's Access Across America tour rolled into Washington, D.C., and 75 people learned Freedom of Information tricks from SPJ FOI Committee Chairman David Cuillier. The…
Agenda — June 7, 2010
CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MAY MINUTES TREASURER'S REPORT need to schedule audit – possible committee: Taylor, Stuart, Geimann PRESIDENT'S REPORT election results – 19 electronic/4 paper ballots VICE PRESIDENT'S…