Job opening in Hong Kong

I just posted a couple of job opportunities in Hong Kong on the SPJ International Journalism Committee blog site. Thought there might be one or two people in the DC…

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Agenda — August 2, 2010

CALL TO ORDER JUNE MINUTES – Shlesinger's computer was stolen – can we reconstruct them? TREASURER'S REPORT totals from Hall of Fame dinner and Dateline Awards update on audit PRESIDENT'S…

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Getting a local story from international seasonings

First posted at Journalism, Journalists and the World. NPR had a fun piece today about how the United States is now a spicier nation. U.S. Is A Spicier Nation (Literally)…

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Explaining what we do and why.

It's not often that we get a full-throated explanation of the thinking that goes into a story or a picture. Kudos to TIME managing editor Richard Stengel for explaining why…

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Shield law still on agenda: RTDNA calls out the troops

Yesterday, the Radio Television and Digital News Association called on its members to contact members of the U.S. Senate to get the Free Flow of Information Act, also known as…

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