Nice and neat survey got released this week on who uses Twitter from the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Let's face it, Twitter is a great tool for helping with reporting and knowing what is going on. You might as well know as much as you can about who is using this service.
Among the findings:
- 8% of Internet users Tweet
- More women than men Tweet (10% versus 7%)
- Young adults: Internet users ages 18-29 are significantly more likely to use Twitter than are older adults.
African-Americans and Latinos: Minority internet users are more than twice as li
kely to use Twitter as are white internet users.
- Urbanites: Urban residents are roughly twice as likely to use Twitter as rural dwellers.
- 72% of Twitter users in our sample say that they post updates related to their personal life, activities or interests. A total of one-in-five Twitter users (19%) say they post personal updates once a day or more.
- 62% of those we queried said they post updates related to their work life, activities or interests, with 12% doing so on a daily basis.
- 55% of these Twitter users share links to news stories. About one in ten (12%) do this at least once a day.
- 54% of these Twitter users say they post humorous or philosophical observations about life in general, with 16% doing so on a daily basis.
- 53% of these Twitter users use Twitter to retweet material posted by others, with 18% doing so on a daily basis.
- 52% of these Twitter users send direct messages to other users, with 11% doing so on a daily basis.
- 40% use Twitter to share photos with others, with 12% going so at least once a day.
- 28% use Twitter to share videos with others. Fewer than one-in-ten Twitter users (8%) do this once a day or more.
- 24% use the service to tweet their location, with 7% of users doing so on a daily basis
And let us not forget that you can easily follow the Washington, D.C. chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists at