Gallup Survey: Honesty/Ethical list out. At least journos better than politicians

Bad news folks. The latest Gallup Survey on Honesty and Ethics shows that journalists are seen as less honest and ethical than bankers. At least we are better than lawyers and politicians.

Interestingly 23 percent of those surveyed rate TV reporters (23%) as more honest and ethical than newspaper reporters (22%).

The survey shows a continued distrust in the honesty and ethical behavior of politicians. Only 20% say they have a very high or high view of the honesty and ethical standards of their local office holders. Statewide office holders come in at 12% and members of Congress don't even break double digits at 9%.

And lobbyists at 7%.

And PR flacks (11%).

I guess that is some solace. That journalists are viewed as more honest and ethical than politicians and lobbyists.


But why are we worse on the ratings than car mechanics (28%) and bankers (23%)?

Maybe some of the problem is perception. And some may be bad reporting that leads people to think we are dishonest and unethical.

On the perception issue, I think it has been clear for a while that most people don't differentiate between opinion shows and news shows. Too many people see Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow in the same light as Dan Lothian or any frontline reporter.

And whose fault is that? Mostly it is ours for not better explaining what we do, how we do it and why we do it. For people in the communication field, we are pretty lame at communicating what journalism is all about.