The Region 2 conference starts Friday, March 26 with a welcome reception at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
The Saturday professional development session will be held at the University of Maryland.
Go to the Region 2 website for more information.
Register here.
Detailed Saturday Schedule
8:00 a.m. | Check-in and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. | Region 2 Business Meeting
Meet Regional Director Brian Eckert and discuss Society business taking place in Region 2, made up of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia.
9-10:15 a.m. | Sessions
Mobile News Reporting: This session will be presented by Ron Yaros, assistant professor, Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Sports Journalism: With the media landscape constantly changing and budgets constantly shrinking, what will sports journalism look like in the future? Three journalists from different media, at different points in their careers, will provide insight on the topic. Speakers in this session include Al Galdi, anchor & host of The Official Redskins Postgame Show, ESPN 980; Sebastian Driver-Salazar of Comcast SportsNet and George Solomon, retired asst. managing editor for sports, The Washington Post. This session will be moderated by Greg Toland, freelance sports anchor, Comcast SportsNet
10:30-11:45 a.m. | Sessions
Ethics: Social boundaries: Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks can be helpful for gathering and spreading news. They also can create pitfalls, as journalists might get too up close and personal. Should there be lines, and where do we draw them? Speakers will include Bryan Sears, political editor, Patuxent Publishing and Alicia Shepard, ombudsman, NPR. Chris Harvey, University of Maryland, will serve as the moderator.
Student Press Rights: Session description coming soon. This session will be presented by Frank LoMonte, executive director, Student Press Law Center and Tim Chapman, James Madison University.
Noon-2 p.m. | Mark of Excellence Awards Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Kevin Klose, dean and professor, The Philip Merrill College of Journalism.Read Bio
2:15-3:30 p.m. | Sessions
Developing and Protecting Sources: This panel will explore the best practices and pitfalls of using confidential sources to cover stories and explain what to do if you find yourself the focus of a court proceeding, subpoenaed by prosecutors or plaintiffs’ attorneys. Speakers in this session include Toni Locy, professor, Washington & Lee University and Lucy Dalglish, executive director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Can’t We All Just Get Along?: This session will compare the relationship between campus media and campus administration at various schools. Should student editors have some kind of oversight? What are the legal ramifications of edited/unedited public comments? Speakers in this session include Sara Mitchell, editor-in-chief, Collegiate Times, Virginia Tech.
3:45-5:00 p.m. | Session
Where is the industry headed: The journalism industry has faced some hard times the past few years. Newsroom budgets have been slashed and lay-offs have been widespread. Hear from industry leaders on what to expect next. Speakers in this session include Toni Locy, professor, Washington & Lee University and Rem Rieder, editor and senior vice president, American Journalism Review. This session will be moderated by Stephen Taylor, professor, George Mason University.