J-Lab: The institute for Interactive Journalism is taking applications for 501(c)3 organizations and education institutions, including community groups, public broadcasters, independent media, colleges and universities, and individuals working under the sponsorship of a nonprofit fiscal agent for funding to launch a participatory news venture.
J-Lab will select eight projects in 2009 2010. Each project may receive up to $25,000.
Proposals are due March 1, 2010
J-Lab Notice
Some of the basics:
- Funding is available for print and electronic news initiatives, including online, cable, broadcast, satellite and mobile efforts.
- Grant funds may be used for equipment, software, rent, phones, training, travel, marketing, production, stipends, freelance payments and contracted services.
- Grants may not be used to cover indirect or overhead costs. Fiscal sponsors may not take a percentage of new voices funding.
- Collaborative ventures are eligible as long as the funded party is a nonprofit or education institution.
- New Voices grants are intended as one-time only, start-up grants. Applicants are not eligible for future New Voices or Knight Foundation funding for their community news initiatives.
- Funding may be used only for news and information projects. Advocacy and government projects are not eligible.
- All school and university-based projects must demonstrate an ability to produce content year-round.
- Hyperlocal projects must be based in the community they intend to cover. Proposals that require long distance travel to develop content will not be considered.
- Only projects based in the United States may apply.
- New Voices does not fund youth media training or literacy projects.
- Religious organizations may receive grants for non-sectarian purposes only. Proposals to proselytize or to promote the tenets of a particular religious belief will not be considered.
- Bilingual or multilingual projects to deliver news and information in the languages of targeted ethnic communities will be considered. However, for education purposes, projects must also make all news and information available in English. All grant reports must be in English.
- Grantees may be invited to participate in J-Lab meetings and symposia.