Reel Journalism: His Girl Friday

The Reel Journalism film series is hosted by veteran journalist Nick Clooney at the Newseum. The series is sponsored by the American University’s School of Communication and the Newseu.

Coming up:

His Girl Friday

Dec. 1 at 7 p.m.

Cokie Roberts, a senior news analyst for NPR and an ABC News political contributor, joins Nick Clooney to view and discuss the journalistic comedy "His Girl Friday" (1940).

Directed by Howard Hawks, the movie features a clueless and smitten Cary Grant as an editor dependent on the skills of his terrific reporter — and ex-wife — Rosalind Russell.

The event starts at 7 p.m. at the Newseum’s 500-seat state-of-the-art Annenberg Theater on Pennsylvania Avenue and the $25 ticket includes all-day admission to the Newseum the day of the event.

(Save $5 for His Girl Friday by ordering tickets online  and using the code: 8005 0206)