Attending: Board Members Julie Asher, Ann Augherton, Bob Becker, Paul Byers, Amy Fickling, Garth Hogan, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz, Steve Taylor, Robert Webb Absent: Tim Ebner (excused), Sue Kopen Katcef (excused), Ben Shlesinger (excused)
President Schotz called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m.
SWEARING IN: The first order of business was the swearing in of Garth Hogan as a new board member.
APPROVAL OF JUNE MINUTES: approved unanimously with the change that Vivian Schiller “was invited to be” the convention keynoter.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Amy Fickling reported:
- There is one check for a table at the dinner outstanding. Bill McCloskey said he would follow up on that.
- The revenue from dinner ticket sales and Dateline Award fees appear to be close to a wash with dinner expenses.
- A request has been made for a duplicate trophy for Hal Bruno. The board approved this one-time-only expense.
- The IRS reporting form is in hand—but the process is a little different this year. She will handle it.
- She plans to conduct an audit of the chapter books—with a small committee—in the near future.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Andy Schotz reported:
- About the contents of the latest letter dealing with the controversy over funds originally destined for the Legal Defense Fund being redirected to the Terry Harper Memorial Fund. It will undoubtedly be discussed at the convention.
- The Ohio chapter had asked for assistance in judging their competition during the summer. We will be asking them to judge our Dateline Awards competition next year.
- A discussion of the chapter’s committee structure followed:
- It was proposed that Stephenie Overman be approached about chairing the dinner committee.
- VP Julie Asher will again chair the program committee and form a subcommittee to look at possible new venues.
- Garth Hogan agreed to coordinate our entries in the social media (Facebook and Twitter). He will also work with Dan Kubiske and Bob Becker on the web site.
- Sue Kopen Katcef as Corresponding Secretary will be asked to track membership issues.
- There is a need to develop a chapter media list for those occasions when we have a message to get out. Chapter members Bruce Harrison and Christie Harlan were suggested as candidates for this effort.
- Bob Becker agreed to continue as the chair of the FOI committee
VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Julie Asher reported:
- RSVPs for the Nats/Marlins game on September 6 have been slow—a reminder will be sent out.
- Tim Ebner is starting to plan a happy hour in early October. It was agreed that either the Front Page or the Rooster would be good venues.
- She is checking on the possibility of a luncheon program in September with Washingtonian Editor John Limpert who is stepping back after 40 years.
- The possibility of an Ethics Hold ‘Em event was briefly discussed.
- A service project involving working on a newspaper for the homeless was also discussed.
REGIONAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Ann Augherton reported:
- The DC pro chapter had submitted a great report.
- Brian Eckert is running unopposed for the Regional Director’s post and will likely replace her at the convention.
- It was proposed and agreed that the regional funds will stay in the DC pro chapter’s account as a separate line.
- Checks to the SDX foundation and DC pro chapter need to be cut.
- A motion was then passed by the board thanking Ann for her many years of service as Regional Director.
HALL OF FAME DINNER: Bill McCloskey reported:
- As the Treasurer previously reported expenses and revenues for the June Awards dinner seem to have worked out.
- He has made a reservation for the NPC Ballroom for June 8, 2010 for next year’s dinner.
DATELINE: Andy Schotz proposed a number of stories and items for the September issue.
- The board voted to ratify the chapter’s membership in the DC Open Government Coalition. The matter will be reviewed again when dues are established.
- Bob Becker agreed to draw up a contract for the Dateline Awards coordinator.
- President Schotz briefly discussed convention voting procedures.
- Board meeting dates for the coming year were proposed and approved as follows:
Mondays at 7:30 p.m. at NPC September 14, October 5, November 14, December 7, January 4, February 1, March 1, April 12, May 3, June 7
There being no additional business, the President adjourned the meeting at 4:08 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul H. Byers