Minutes – January 2009

CALL TO ORDER: 7:35 p.m.

Attending: Bob Becker, Paul Byers, Amy Fickling, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz, Steve Taylor, Robert Webb

Absent: Julie Asher(excused), Ann Augherton(excused), Sue Kopen Katcef (excused), Dan Kubiske(excused), Willie Schatz(excused)

President Schotz opened the meeting by providing some treats in honor of Ann Augherton’s birthday which occurred the previous day.

APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER MINUTES: unanimous as corrected

TREASURER’S REPORT: Amy Fickling distributed a report showing:

• Current Accounts: Chevy Chase Bank account had a balance of $13,442.12 (including $352.34 in Region 2 Director’s Funds) and the ING savings account had a balance of $36,043.93 (the December interest had not yet been posted.) The Chapter has a total of $49,133.71 (excluding the R2 Fund) in its operating accounts and $17,824.70 in reserve funds in a Capitol One CD (maturing 4/14/2010).

• Accounts Payable: Julie Asher is owed $38.05 for the Gillman luncheon expenses. And the University of Maryland student chapter has not yet received the $500 Helen Thomas stipend for members who attended the National Convention.

• Computer for Chapter Financial Files: Paul Byers turned over the donated laptop computer to the Treasurer and agreed to load the appropriate software in the coming weeks. Bill McCloskey will investigate getting a donation receipt.

• A discussion followed about getting dues payments from National and how they should be audited.

• President Schotz will investigate getting a postage reimbursement from National to be used for our Hall of Fame dinner invitations—something we are due as a four-star chapter.


• High School Essay Contest Schotz reported success in get information promoting the contest to range of area publications. He will work on making contact with high school journalism advisers to talk up the contest.

• Chapter Website Dan Kubiske has redesigned the Chapter’s website and improved the Facebook blog site. Those who have visited the sites find them improved. Everyone was encouraged to take a look.

• Membership Update The President has reviewed about 290 Chapter memberships who have e-mail addresses—contacting 123 of them, including 62 whose memberships were listed as having expired. 45 who were listed as having never paid Chapter dues and 16 whose chapter membership was to expire soon. There were 43 others on National’s list as members who don’t have email addresses. They will be contacted with an enclosure in the next issue of Dateline. Wells Key and Lifetime members will also be contacted for Chapter dues. It was noted that according to our by-laws the Corresponding Secretary has responsibility for maintaining an accurate membership roster. Once the current issues are resolved that option will be pursued. Bill McCloskey will raise some of the dues issues uncovered at the National Executive Board Meeting in Milwaukee within the week.

• It was noted that inadvertently the SDX Foundation Board failed to include Reggie Stuart on a recent election ballot slate. Electronic balloting is underway to correct the oversight. We have asked for a request from the SDX board to consider his reappointment—separate from his election as president. (An e-mail vote subsequently unanimously approved Stuart’s reappointment to the SDX board.)

• Next Dateline Issue Items for the next issue include: Social Networking Workshop on January 24, Presidential Debate luncheon on either January 23 or 30, Marymount University to host the Region 2 Conference on March 28, High School Essay Contest and referring people to the National Awards nomination and entry forms on the website.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: In Julie Asher’s absence it was noted that::

• The luncheon with Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News was a success.

• A program on social networking sites is set for January 24 from 9:30 to Noon in a computer lab at Marymount University.

• A luncheon program (co-hosted by RTNDA and DC Women in Communication) about the Presidential Debates will be held on either January 23 or 30 depending on space at the NPC.

DATELINE AWARDS AND HALL OF FAME DINNER: In Brooke Kenny’s absence everyone was encouraged to email her with the contact information for those who should be included on the invitation list. It was agreed to defer a discussion of increasing the coordinator’s fee until after the event. The board reviewed and prioritized a list of possible candidates for the Hall of Fame Award. Steve Taylor will make the appropriate contacts.

REGION TWO DIRECTOR’S REPORT: In Ann Augherton’s absence it was noted that the Regional Conference is now set for March 28 at Marymount University. She is trying to firm up the program by mid-January and asks those who were working on possible program events to contact her with information.

OLD BUSINESS: • Chapter Board Nominations – Bob Webb, who is chairing a nominating committee, noted that in addition to electing officers there will be three 2-year directorships to be filled. The deadline for developing a slate was set for March 15. Suggestions are welcome. • Chapter Records – Bob Webb passed out some SPJ mouse pads and area code books he had culled from the old chapter files.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no additional business the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Paul H. Byers

Recording Secretary