Annual awards dinner is time to reflect on media accomplishments
The SPJ DC Pro Chapter’s annual Dateline Awards and Hall of Fame dinner was expertly helmed once again by 45-year chapter member Jim Bohannon, master of ceremonies.

Here are some images and quick takes from the evening event June 11, 2019, captured on Twitter.
Some of the newly elected chapter officers, who started their year of service at this event, which is considered the annual meeting of the DC Pro Chapter, were sworn in before most of the “business” got underway. First-time board member Selma Khenissi thought it was a big moment.

The 2019 class of Hall of Fame inductees were the keynote speakers for the evening.
Read their remarks, and those of their introducers, here.
Distinguished Service Award honoree Amy Fickling, a longtime DC Pro Chapter leader and current treasurer, also made remarks. Read those here.
Interspersed with the speeches and other moments of recognition were announcements of finalists and winners of the DC Pro Chapter’s annual Dateline Awards contest.
Many of the finalists were in the audience and got the recognition of their peers when their names were called. Congratulations to all for producing excellent journalism and taking the time to enter the contest so that your work could be given its due recognition. Here is the list of finalists and winners.
Jonathan Make, who became the chapter’s immediate past president at the conclusion of the festivities, delivered remarks at the top of the evening. You can read his prepared remarks here.
Here are some highlights from those remarks:
Recognizing that this is a particularly perilous time for journalism, and that we journalists need to stick together, our chapter has been working with many other journalism associations. We have formed an ad hoc group of several associations. The first fruits of that will be a special tour of the Newseum on September 21.
We’re taking this tour because the museum’s current location is closing. It’s a reminder of our challenging times.
There are bright signs. Journalists have been sticking together like never before. They are explaining to their audiences how they do their job. They are being more transparent. They’re being held to higher standards of accuracy and ethics.
— Jonathan Make, in his last speech to the chapter as its president
At the end of the evening, incoming president Randy Showstack also called on chapter members to contribute to another great chapter year by volunteering their talents and efforts.

‘we are here for you. we want to hear your ideas’ suggestions and feedback to keep
@SPJDC strong,@RandyShowstack tells#DCSPJ19.— Jonathan Make on Twitter

Region 2 Director Andy Schotz, who is a DC Pro Chapter member, administered the oath of office at the dinner, then repeated the exercise at the board retreat on July 6, 2019, at which the new board began making plans for the new chapter year, which will culminate in the annual Dateline Awards and Hall of Fame dinner on June 9, 2020, back at the National Press Club.
Having been duly elected
as an officer of the Society
I do hereby promise
to uphold its ideals.
I pledge myself to do all in my power
to perform faithfully the duties assigned to me
and to serve fellow journalists
whether of the Society or not
and so endeavor to enrich the profession
with the ideals of the Society of Professional Journalists.
This I promise and pledge myself to perform.