Thanks to all who helped make DC Pro’s national honors for 2017-2018 possible

During the opening business meeting of the EIJ18 convention in Baltimore on Thursday, Sept. 27, DC Pro was awarded certificates for the chapter’s Circle of Excellence awards, seen here. Before the opening night reception later the same evening, chapter members gathered at a nearby watering hole, Sliders Bar & Grille near Oriole Park at Camden Yards, to celebrate the honors. DC Pro also was a finalist for the Large Chapter of the Year award, along with four other large pro chapters. That honor ended up going to the San Diego Pro Chapter. CHEERS!!

FOR COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE OF THE CONVENTION by our chapter delegates, follow this link to the October 2018 Dateline Online newsletter. There are multiple embedded links that will take you to pages on this site with stories and photos.

Sliders at street level by night, Sliders (in center of photo, on the right end of the row of low buildings) from convention hotel room window by day on Friday, Sept. 28. The chapter started off the EIJ18 convention in Baltimore celebrating at Sliders its previous chapter year of achievements recognized by national SPJ with Circle of Excellence honors on a rainy Thursday evening, Sept. 27, that continued through the Opening Night Reception at nearby M&T Bank Stadium, where convention-goers were entertained, fed and beveraged in a Club level entertainment and bar space, completely out of the rain but close enough to the stadium seating that they could walk out to the deck, take a look at the lush football field for a moment then get back into the enclosed area that for the evening seemed not even close to being a sports arena, save for the Thursday Night Football game on the big screens and party favors CNN had for attendees — seat cushions for use on your next trip to a ballpark. Friday’s blue skies and milder weather continued on through the end of the convention on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 30. (Photo on left courtesy of Jonathan Make, on right, Amy Fickling)



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For DC Pro Vice President Randy Showstack, this was the first national SPJ convention he’s attended.

DC Pro Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary and Dateline editor Amy Fickling noted the “local color” in Baltimore.

Kathryn Foxhall, DC Pro recording secretary, attended a session on “Censorship by PIO,” which is an issue she helps DC Pro and national SPJ stay on top of.

DC Pro President Jonathan Make attended a session on getting reluctant sources to share information on the record.


OTHER AWARDS/HONORS SPONSORED BY SPJ and SPJ FOUNDATION: In case you missed the coverage earlier, here is a link to archived press releases from national SPJ about other awards and honors announced before and during the EIJ18 convention. Here is a link to the page that describes many of the awards — take note, as some nomination deadlines are coming up soon. Region 2 Director Andy Schotz nominated the winners of the Ethics in Journalism Award, which included a National Public Radio reporting team including reporters in Washington who tackled the uncomfortable job of reporting on allegations of sexual harassment by upper management. And this link will take you to student journalists’ coverage of most all the professional development and newsmaker sessions during the EIJ18 convention.

EIJ18 Presidents Installation dinner PROGRAM and MENU by Andy Schotz