Minutes — May 9, 2013


BOARD MEMBERS:  Julie Asher, Steve Taylor, Bob Becker, Sue Kopen Katcef, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz, Amy Fickling.
Dateline Contest Organizer:   Joel Whitaker
ABSENT:  Paul Byers, Haley Crum

Minutes of April 1 meeting

  • Motion to approve—Steve Taylor
  • Seconded by—Sue Kopen Katcef
  • Unanimously approved

Julie told the board that the chapter’s annual report was filed with SPJ headquarters well ahead of the deadline required of SPJ’s professional chapters.
Julie also promised to send around a copy of the annual report to the members of the board.
There  was a question posed, but without answer, as to why National is now requiring a routing number with the financial report that is a part of the chapter’s annual report.

Julie reported that she and fellow DC SPJ Pro Chapter board member Sue Kopen Katcef both attended the spring conference in Norfolk.  Julie noted that Sue Kopen Katcef also moderated one of the panels.
Julie said there’s uncertainty as to who will host the spring conference next year.  There was some interest coming from the Maryland Pro Chapter.  She also said North Carolina’s High Point College indicated they were interested.

Julie reported that the email has gone out with the link to the ballot.  She also pointed out that there is at least one vacancy in need of a candidate.
Since most of the candidates for the next board will be new to the board, it was decided that the newly elected officers and board members should be encouraged to attend June’s  Dateline Awards banquet.  Andy Schotz said he will contact them and urge them to attend (among the reasons, to be sworn in, in all likelihood, by SPJ National President Sonny Albarado).

Absent a chapter vice president, Julie updated the board on programming matters.
She said the chapter needs to decide on a date for the summer picnic (which was held last year at Yards Park on July 29).
It was decided to return to Yards Park and to aim for a Sunday when there is no Nationals game.  According to the Nats’ schedule, the only date that qualifies is July 14.  Julie said she would check to see if the picnic space can be officially reserved.
Julie also reported on a couple of program ideas submitted by board candidate Minal Bopaiah.  One suggestion was for a session focusing on the stigma often associated with mental health programs and look at how the press covers the problem; a second suggestion was to find a co-sponsor and hold a first aid training session for journalists serving (or who might serve) in remote locations.

The May report was circulated prior to the meeting by Treasurer Amy Fickling.
Bill McCloskey moved to accept the report.
Steve Taylor seconded the motion.
The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.

Dateline contest coordinator  Joel Whitaker reported that the results for this year’s contest were in from Ohio.  He described the results as both “interesting” and “pretty good.”
Joel indicated that the finalists have been notified—with the exception of four of them.
Steve T. requested a clear, concise winners list from Joel in ample time before the dinner so that Steve can prepare the script (ditto for Bob and publishing the info on the website right after the dinner).
Bill M. offered to double-check the names of all of the winners.
Joel said he will be sending the checks from the contest to Amy so that they can be deposited.

Andy reported that he had received a query from a news organization that had finalists in the contest, asking if they could receive notice in advance about whether they had won so that they could determine if they’ll buy tickets for the dinner.  The answer was we do not provide that kind of information in advance of the dinner.
Awards certificates will again be made designated  “winner” & “finalist.”
Please note:  DATELINE AWARDS are for 2012!  Certificates should indicate that.
Joel W. said that he’s looking to line up judges from the DC chapter to now judge the contest entries from Ohio.  Joel said he would first check with the volunteers who judged last year’s contest.  Joel also mentioned that the Ohio contest will be judged completely online.
Back on the dinner, Andy reported that (so far) fewer invites have been sent out this year:

  • Last year $496.88/500 invites, mailed to the chapter roster
  • This year  $491.81 (with 50 fewer invitations/postage included)
  • Only  one invite has been returned—so farMay 6 —  65 finalists invites mailed out

Andy reported that he’s also been contacting various individuals who might have an interest in the dinner (and all things journalism) in the hopes he might get a few of them to attend.
As of the date of this board meeting, Andy reported having received 37 affirmative responses.
Andy also said this year’s high school essay contest winner, from Poolesville High School, would also be attending (and Dan Kubiske will again be covering the costs associated with that).
There will also be four SDX scholarship winners attending with a guest; Reggie Stuart is working on covering those costs.
Andy said that Washington Post is interested in buying a table and that the Wall Street Journal IS planning to buy a table.
Steve Taylor ran down the list of who’ll be introducing the Hall of Fame inductees and this year’s Distinguised Service Award winner:

H of F

  • Tom Boswell—Matt Vita, sports editor will intro
  • Terence Smith—Al Kamen will intro
  • Andrea Mitchell—Judy Woodruff will intro
  • Haynes Johnson—Mark Feldstein to intro

Steve Geimann—(UM Journalism Dean) Lucy Dalglish to intro

SPJ National President Sonny Albarado and SPJ Region 2 Director Brian Eckert are both planning on attending and will sit at the head table.
Sonny A. will be asked to swear in the officers for next year.
Steve offered to continue handling the H of F/DSA  Award, if it pleases the board.

SDX Foundation of Washington, DC meeting —  Bill M.
There were four applications for scholarships and four winners.
The SDX  Foundation Board received $5,000 from the Gridiron Foundation dinner—unexpectedly.
The SDX board also received a verbal commitment from Kiplinger that they will do a match of up to $10,000 for next year (for scholarships), based on anticipated donations.
The SDX Foundation hopes to offer up to SIX $4,000 scholarships for 2014-15,

The chapter is entitled to six delegates for the convention.  It was decided to wait until mid-summer to determine how to go about soliciting delegates.

  • However, Bill McCloskey moved that the chapter pay the transportation, hotel, early-bird registration and an a la carte ticket to the President’s Installation dinner for the chapter’s president.
  • Bob Becker seconded the motion.
  • The motion was unanimously approved.

Andy raised a question about the chapter’s Helen Thomas Scholarship, awarded to a local SPJ student chapter to help defray their costs for attending the national convention.  Julir agreed to check with Region 2 Director Brian Eckert to see if he can recommend a DC area student chapter for the award, based on this year’s annual reports.

Julie mentioned that there were a few issues with the chapter’s website but that the “kinks” were being worked out
The next Board meeting is set for  Mon., June 3, 7:30 p.m.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sue Kopen Katcef

As revised and approved on June 4, 2013