Minutes — Jan. 8, 2013

Society of Professional Journalists
Washington DC Pro Chapter
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Board Meeting at National Press Club Mezzanine Area


Board Members:
Julie Asher, Bob Becker, Paul Byers, Haley Crum, Bill McCloskey, Steve Taylor
Chapter Members: Alisha Green, Maggi Mulvihill, Andrew Scott
Dateline Contest Organizer: Joel Whitaker.
ABSENT:  Amy Fickling, Sue Kopen Katcef, Andy Schotz.

President Asher welcomed the three visiting chapter members who are interested in getting more involved. All expressed interested in working on tasks ranging from programs to the newsletter. Asher noted that members are needed to serve on the Nominating Committee. She also mentioned that following the resignation of Chapter Recording Secretary Khalil Garriott, Byers has agreed to take minutes until a new officer is installed in June. McCloskey mentioned that he had run into former Chapter President Mary Crowley and that she’s possibly interested in getting re-involved.

McCloskey moved to approve December 3rd minutes.  Byers seconded.  The vote to approve was unanimous.

President Asher focused her remarks on pending program ideas.

  • High School Journalists & Advisors–Crum has been working on this topic and advised that it will be best to plan for a September event.  She is prepared to secure a conference room at The Washington Post.
  • Sunlight Foundation –Green, who works for the organization, is taking the lead in organizing this event which would be structured around the various tools that the foundation makes available to help journalists.  She can be prepared for an evening event in early February.  Whitaker, speaking as a board member of the National Press Club, said space could be available there—along with co-sponsorship.
  • Open Government Coalition—Becker mentioned that a program which we might want to co-sponsor is being held at the Press Club on March 13th.  He will advise more details when known.
  • Homicide Watch—Green mentioned that this effort—an exercise in entrepreneurial journalism—could be the basis of an interesting program.  A lengthy article was run on the organization by The Washington Post several months back. It was noted that one of the co-founders is currently on a Neiman grant at Harvard—it might be best to wait until she’s available to lead the presentation.  Green will check on her schedule and advise.
  • It was suggested that we consider holding one or more happy hours in January or February. The Black Rooster and the Monocle were suggested as possible venues—ideally on a Friday.

Byers moved to accept the report.  Becker seconded.  Motion passed with one objection.

McCloskey asked Whitaker why initial mailing expenses were more than double last year. He explained that the mailing was more than twice as large, including those on the SPJ national mailing list. This is designed to attract more entries and greater interest in the contest. Status of the effort to enable Andy Schotz to function as assistant treasurer was discussed. President Asher will work to get herself signature authority on chapters accounts and confirm access to bank statements for Schotz.


  • Dinner update:  In late December Schotz signed a contract with the Press Club for June 11. Pricing will be the same as last year.
  • Dateline Awards contest update:  Whitaker advised that more than 450 letters were mailed in late December to prospective entrants.  He will work with Becker to get information up on the Chapter’s web site. He reported that both the Ohio and New Jersey Chapters are moving to electronic submission systems this spring. He will keep in touch with them to see how it works–so we can decide over the summer if it’s something we want to try.


Taylor led a discussion to develop a slate of nominees for both awards.  He will make the appropriate contacts and advise
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.

                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                                                Paul Byers