Minutes — November 2009

Nov. 2, 2009 – 7:30 p.m.
National Press Club
Absences as of press time: Sue Kopen Katcef, Tim Ebner (excused)
In attendance at board meeting: Board Members Bob Becker, Amy Fickling, Julie Asher, Steve Taylor, Paul Byers, Bob Webb, Ben Shlesinger, Bill McCloskey, Andy Schotz. Chapter member Stephenie Overman. National board member Andrew Seaman

CALL TO ORDER –7:42 p.m.

Asher makes motion to approve October minutes. Taylor seconds motion. It is unanimously approved.
Brief discussions of how regional funds are being managed and audited. Becker makes motion to accept treasurer’s report, Byers seconds it. It passes unanimously
– Chapter’s 75th anniversary
McCloskey found out that the chapter was founded in January 1936. 
– Holiday party
Will be held at Laughing Man Tavern at H and 15th streets. Date is not settled yet
– Ethics Hold ‘Em – cards
Andy Schotz has new cards. It isn’t the decks that are revised it’s the code of ethics that was revised. But it wasn’t the actual code that was fixed, just the preamble.
-National Journalism Education Association
– Looking for judges for Friday evening, 11/13 from 6-8:30. The coordinator of the judges says he’s short about 10 in the areas of writing, editing and headlines. A separate person is coordinating a separate section called “Break With A Pro- Friday 9 a.m.-10 a.m. or 10-11 a.m.. 15 minutes each session. A number of topics that people can discuss. There was a discussion amongst the board about the various judging opportunities and who might be able to help when.
– Report on lunch with Jack Limpert, former Washingtonian editor
-14 people came for the lunch. Limpert was hesitant to do it because he doesn’t like to speak before crowds and wanted it to be informal. When he left he said he had fun. The lunch will end up charging the chapter $50-$60 because of dessert orders due to confusion as to whether or not they were included when they in fact were not. The board has discussed bringing in the new, 28-year-old editor of Washingtonian.            McCloskey said maybe we can get a bigger number than the Limpert lunch if the new editor will speak.
– Other events – Marion Barry film screening at U. of Md. The “9 Lives of Marion Barry” is set up for Wed. Nov 18 from 6:30-8:30. There is a screening followed by a panel. Byers says the film is nothing special. Wonders if we should be somehow supporting it. Schotz said if nothing else it is good follow up for conversation.
– Kubiske e-mailed and said maybe the chapter could do a program on WJLA showing a breast on television in a package about breast cancer during sweeps week and breaking the taboo of revealing the name of rape victims. Board discussed whether or not there is a correlation between the two.
– International Women Media Foundation gave courage award to four journalists. Only three of the four women could attend the event. Byers said CPJ published data about journalists who have been threatened or killed and that CPJ could be a partner for a program.
– Venue
– Maggiano’s is discussed as a possible location for next dinner. There would be a $17 difference per person. It is brought up that maybe if we can get the date and prices from Maggiano’s that the Press Club would drop its prices. AV prices would be included at Maggiano’s. Fickling wonders if honorees would go anywhere else besides the Press Club. The board also talked about going to Maggiano’s and trying to get different dates.
– HOF/DSA committee – choices by Jan.- Steve is going to be the new chairman. Steve said there is a rough list of names by March but says he can provided a list by January or Feburary if needed. Bill says there should a call sent out to membership for nominations
– November issue
– Limpert lunch – Asher will write article about it
– Region 2 conference
– Hall of Fame dinner – Stephenie Overman will proceed with the logistics of the dinner once a location is decided
– Next Election
– Holiday Party – Tim Ebner can write something for the Dateline issue
– Other Events
– Call for Entries – Steve Taylor
– Chapter grant application
– Update on D.C. open government coalition – Bob Becker said not much has happened in the past month. Bob Becker testified and president of the coalition testified. Now spending time applying for grants. 80 people showed up for a public forum on Oct 21 at the Sumner School. Mentioned putting a blurb on the website about it
– Contract for Brooke Kenny, chapter member who handles the chapter awards program- Becker drafted a contract. Becker said he drafted the contract from what she billed previously. There was a question about what happens if Kenny quits halfway through. Does she forfeit the money if she quits in the middle, or does she get half the money? The possibility of her being able to complete a data dump to have a backup of the information was brought up. Enough information would have to be backed up just in case someone needs to step in. No termination clause needed in the contract beyond serves at the pleasure of the board, Taylor said.
– Call for programs – 2010 convention
-It was brought up if the chapter should take the lead on a shield law program? Should message be sent out to membership?
– Nominations committee for chapter board- Schotz says a couple of people are needed. Shlesinger and Webb volunteer to be on the committee. Discussion as to whether or not Shlesinger can be on the committee and running for the board. It is believed Shlesinger can serve on board again if no one else wants to.
– SDX foundation meeting – Nov. 18. A reminder that the SDX board consists of people from this board plus others that have been elected by us. Schotz, Asher, Fickling, Sue Kopen Katcef and Shlesinger are on the board.
 – Membership push- McCloskey thinks there is some low-hanging fruit at the associate level- $70 a year. Encourages board members to try and pitch people at this level to join up. Becker said maybe check with Public Relations Society of America about asking their members maybe being interested in joining.
– Seaman talked about setting up satellite groups and possibly getting high school students to join and high school journalism professors.
– AEJMC. Becker brought up getting some of them to join. Says its very hard for student chapters to be created if they don’t have staff support.
– Schotz said we should try to get national SPJ members who are not local members to join the chapter. Said if he gets the names we should split it up and get them to join.
– Schotz said maybe we should also contact every once a year just to say hi and get their feedback and entice them to come to events.
– Bullet points needed for contact with members for shield law, FOIA, freelance, running for board, series of good pro programs.

Overman said on the Nov. 17th at noon is the next freelance meeting
McCloskey proposed motion to adjourn, Byers seconded it.
Unanimously accepted at 9:23 p.m.